Monday 28 October 2013

I miss Lou Reed

I am affected deeply by Lou Reed's passing. I was showing obvious signs of distress yesterday, as people walked by my shop window, many of them stopping to look at the Lou display I assembled, many taking pictures. Some coming in to buy a record, I tried to hide my tears but could not. I spent the entire day on the internet, unable to think of anything else but how much I loved that artist and how much he meant to me over so many years. How I always loved his dry style and the path he chose in Rock; not to try and act like an 18 year old all his life, but to age gracefully, and with so much vitality and wit. We should all hope to be so with it in our seventies. Compared to other aging stars who distort their image with cosmetic surgery and sell out trying to re-create their former glories, Lou gave us realism. I have heard so many news announcers talk about the dirty/drugs/sex side of his song writing... but for me it was his stark honesty, and transcendence through humor, and the idea of his songwriting being more like a job than an entitlement. I miss you Lou, I am so glad I got to see the Ecstasy tour in 2000. I am so glad I was walking by that venue in Vancouver in 1992 when a scalper sold me his last ticket for ten dollars. 

Some of my favorite Lou songs:
Busload of Faith
Mama's Got a Lover
Video Violence
M.M.M. - all of it!
Train Coming Round the Bend
Make Up
Heard her Call My Name
Sunday Morning
Magic & Loss
Doin' the Things that We Want To
I Remember
Spit It Out
My Love is Chemical
Kill Your Sons
Lady Godiva
Looking For Love
Sword of Damocles
Turn to Me
Leave Me Alone
Baton Rouge
Love is Trust
I'm so Free
Satellite of Love
Real Good Time Together...

The list goes on and on. Each of these songs and seemingly endless more have inspired my comics through the years, I would always listen to Lou Reed as I drew. I will continue to do that always.

Fly into the Sun

Tuesday 22 October 2013

LP's LPs update Oct 22/13

New imports from Germany. All cosmic: Michael Bundt, Gerhard Heinz, Leda, Paradise Frame... more
New used stuff, all awesome, all original... Cramps, Brian Eno, Slayer, Bathory, Possessed, Iko 83, CCMC, Nihilist Spasm Band, Glamatron, Hawkwind, Smiths, Neil Young, Portion Control...etc
A lot of metal, black metal, speed metal, Minimal, and cosmic added to the collection lately, of course the classics like Bowie, Floyd, Zep, and new indie stuff as well.
Also the new I dream of Wires collectors edition DVD is in stock, + Blue ray edition.

Leda. Peter Baumann's stellar 1978 cosmic minimal synth LP. the original is hard to get and expensive, here is the next best thing. A legitimate release by permision of the artist.

 Paradise Frame is an electronic cosmic disco project from Quebec, 1977. This new release is limited to 200 copies. Let's Go Into Space is a new comp of cosmic disco from Germany. Just in! Get it here 1st.
 The Halloween wall, had to photograph it before it makes way for the onslaught. All the classics of sci-fi, fantasy and horror.
This collection of early Portion Control contains all the primitive sounds fans of minimal listen for. Cold, dirty and growling. A must for fans of early Skinny Puppy or Caberet Voltaire.
 Here is the Beastie's first release. It's in top shape, an indie release from 1983.
Bathory is considered to be one of the first Black Metal bands. This is their 2nd release, and it's an original on Banzai records. Near mint.
Possessed!! Evil.
 More evil.

LP's LPs 104 Ossington ave. Toronto.